Finding a new app: ClassDojo
What problem or opportunity might be addressed with a new technology tool?
As a teacher in my middle school, I volunteered to lead a pilot for a Response To Intervention (RTI) program, focused on struggling students. The idea was to provide them with 20 minutes of instructional time twice a week on their areas of need, being math and reading comprehension the most frequent. I chose I-ready lessons to deliver the content. These online lessons are personalized and give the students points as they progress. However, I also needed another way to evaluate the students' motivation, punctuality, work habits, etc. So I created a virtual group in Classdojo.
What outcomes do you hope to achieve?
The app is oriented to monitor individual behavior, using the principle of assigning rewards and
consequences. The teacher can create and modify existing items to adapt them to their particular needs. Groups and small groups can be made, parents can connect to have instant updates on their children progress, and the students can personalize their own avatar.
What new technology tool or application are you planning to learn and apply?
The selected app is visually attractive, and highly interactive. It provides with personalized reports, sharing options and social media connections. ClassDojo has multiple levels of edition, and many other in-app options to engage the students. Badges, group work, parent involvement are just some of the highlights. The teacher can also become a mentor for other teachers/schools, refer other teachers or manage the app as the school responsible person.